Humanity of War - a Selection of Signal Corps Photos
The First World War doesn't attract much attention in the United
States. Undoubtedly there are a variety of reasons for this -
among them being a faulure to feel connected to the men who fought.
A perusal of official Signal Corps photos shows countless photos
of aviation experiments, cuts of meat, and new electronics technology,
but hidden among these are some great photos of the men who fought the
war, real live three dimensional people with stories to tell.

A rare smile during gas mask training.

Cpl Samson Morse wakes from a nap to a breakfast of coffee and toast.

Pvt Dunn of MO enjoys celery from a German general's garden at Chateau Frenois du Nord

Private Harlow Wheeler of the Coastal Artillery makes a speech at "Neuville".

Old chapel - Duise, Meuse.

Meuse River - Diuse.

Private Edward Biggs enjoys a turnip grown by the Germans.

Sgt Killigrow of 311th Ambulance Co with French children.

Pvt Zielinski of 311th Infantry gets a drink in Brieulles sur Bar.

Barbershop in Varennes

Sgt Paul Postal, driver in 321st Tank Co, with "Mustard".

Lee Gerard, 13 year old French mascot of the 1st Tank Brigade.

Men of 306th Field Artillery pose on a signal target at St Juvin

"Uncle Joe" Kernan of the Knights of Columbus gives a French boy chocolate.

"Uncle Joe" Kernan of the Knights of Columbus gives a French boy chocolate.

A man of the 102nd Field Artillery shaves

Pvt Bustin teahes a French boy how to ride his grandfather's bicycle.

Released prisoners

French refugees

November 12, 1918

Soldier reads to his comrades the terms of the armistice.

Oakley Parkill and 1st Sgt Robert Gibson near Cunel


American soldiers drinking German mineral water abandoned at Aincreville.

German prisoners partaking of our army loaf, Aincreville.

Giving a German prisoner a drink.

American 1st Sgt with German trophies

Soldiers camping in a hole type known as Elephant Back near Cunel.

French war orphan near Paris

Coffee roasting machine

In Luxembourg after the war an American eats German rations, including canned horse meat, with American coffee.

Major Davis commanding 4th Pursuit Group

Storehouse for candy - Paris.

Sgt Hughey of 305th Engineere has fun with the name of the French village Bar.

In a cemetery on the hill behind Esnes, an image of Christ had been
shot down. Some American soldiers passing through, although tired
out, went to considerable trouble to take it from the road where it was
being trampled on and replaced it against the monument.

Dead german machine gunner

Shaving in front of the chateau at Grandpre.

"Lt Col A M Patch", presumably the WWII General Patch commanding 7th
Army, and "Maj Allen", presumably Terry Allen of WWII fame, were the
first men of 1st Division to cross into Luxembourg.

Lt Col Garrett

An American and a German go over President Wilson's message to the Kaiser.

Albert Trocker, German prisoner

German prisoners. Note Albert Trocker

Soldiers of the 77th Division wash at Raucourt

Before the conference that determined that a joint American and French force would liberate Sedan.

82nd Division - before trial a man might be a straggler, after fround
guilty he was a deserter. This method encouraged the men to stay
in line.

210mm howitzer captured in the 80th Division sector.

210mm howitzer at Vaux.

In Paris a wounded man is kissed.