New Orleans Part 2

The Right of the American Line

     Early on the morning of January 8th, British troops formed for the attack.  On the far left near the Mississippi River, a column under Rennie advanced with partial cover from the levee on an advanced American redoubt.  (Which has since been re-claimed by the river.)  Gen. Carroll sent riflemen to help deal with the threat  and two-thirds of the British were hit.  The remainder took the redoubt in hand to hand combat.  Keane's battalion of 1,000 Highlanders did not reinforce this success and instead moved toward the attacking British column in the center.  These pictures are of the area defended by the 7th Regiment, which was nicknamed the Cottonbalers because cotton was used in their breastworks.  The remains of the canal are visible in the two photographs.

The Advance Begins

     In the center, the British had set up artillery batteries protected by sugar bales.  The advancing division of Gibbs was to pick up their fascines and ladders here to cross the enemy's ditch and scale the wall.  Due to a misunderstanding the items were picked up too late.  As the morning fog lifted, Congreve rockets signaled the British to advance.  Soon they were met with American artillery then rifle fire.  Artillery blew holes in the British columns as riflemen picked off officers and men from 300 yards.


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