May 3, 1863
From Hazel Grove
Early on May 3rd, Stuart attacked the Union salient. Vital to the Union position on Fairview Heights was Hazel Grove. Hooker had ordered his troops to abandon the place, and the Confederates soon placed 50 guns atop the hill early on May 3rd to enfilade the Union position. Fairview Heights is visible as the clearing in the distance.
From Fairview Heights
Zoom View to Hazel Grove
These views are from the Union position on Fairview Heights. Although most Union artillery atop Fairview Heights faced west, several guns faced Hazel Grove, but they were no match for the more numerous Confederate guns. The Union salient was a truly target rich environment, and a lucky shot wounded Hooker at the Chancellorsville Inn. Some historians believe Hooker was about to order his troops to attack the exposed left flank of the attacking Confederates, and that if it weren't for this one lucky shot, the battle may have turned out very differently. (This, of course, gives him more credit than most would allow.) While Confederate artillery pounded the Union position, infantry attacked the Yankees positioned in the woods in front of the heights.
In the panorama, Fairview Cemetery is visible as a brick wall through the opening on the left of the picture. The Orange Turnpike is visible through the woods on the right of the picture. The earthen mounds are the Union gun positions.