
May 3, 1863

Infantry Assault

     Confederate infantry attacks were vicious and confused.  Eventually the pressure was more than the Union troops could take.  Attacking Rebel infantry advanced up the slope of Fairview Heights and into a hail of canister shot.  The Rebels kept coming and the Union salient was pushed back to the Chancellorsville Inn.

Chancellorsville Clearing

     With Fairview Heights captured, the Union salient became much narrower and much more vulnerable.  Stuart continued the attack from Fairview Heights toward the Chancellorsville Inn near the modern intersection.


From Chancellorsville Looking East

     Lee attacked with his two divisions from the south and east.  The Federals successfully evacuated the salient, and the two wings of the Confederate army were reunited.  The area around Fairview Heights and Chancellorsville Inn had been scene to unusually dense and bitter fighting, and the fields and wilderness were filled with killed and wounded.  A year later, men of Grant's army would find plenty of human remains as they passed through the Wilderness. 

     As the battle was winding down, Union troops at Fredericksburg attacked and advanced toward Lee's rear.  Lee decided to forego the attacks on Hooker he had planned, and once again split his army, sending troops to reinforce Early.  This Union effort was stopped at Salem Church.  Lee had achieved an improbable victory, albeit with the loss of Stonewall Jackson, and Hooker withdrew north over the river.  Hooker's offensive was over, but Lee had lost 13,000 irreplaceable men to Hooker's 17,000.  Lee now recalled Longstreet and planned an invasion of the north.

topo map   Most of these pictures were taken between "Fairview Cem" and "Hazel Grove."


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