Ft. Nelson - Exterior Frontal Views

    Because of a traffic accident blocking the way, we could not reach the fort according to the directions, so we headed over what to us was uncharted territory in order to come in from another direction.  Predictably, we got lost, but with help from a garden shop, we found a tiny one-laned road over to the fort.  It all worked out, and we got some good frontal views of the fort, showing what little an attacker might see. 

Western Face View

The western Haxo Casemate is to the right.  (See next photo.)  In the left of the fort appears to be the North Mortar Battery.

Western Haxo Casemate

Most of the fort's long range artillery was mounted atop the ramparts.  However, perhaps because of vulnerability to enfilade fire, Haxo Casemates were on either side of the fort, giving the gunners protection on their front, flanks, and top.

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